11 Winning Strategies to Outsmart BANGERS in Pickleball

Pickleball’s getting a serious glow-up these days, and it’s not just the paddles getting fancier. The game’s picking up speed—literally—with more players unleashing blazing drives across the court. Blame it on the wave of tennis pros and racquet-sport vets jumping ship to pickleball. These newcomers often arrive with a built-in superpower: the ability to whack the ball like it owes them money🤣

11 Winning Strategies to Outsmart BANGERS in Pickleball
11 Winning Strategies to Outsmart BANGERS in Pickleball

These folks often arrive with a natural knack for smashing the ball, earning them the nickname "bangers" in pickleball Game. A banger is someone who thrives on power and speed, relentlessly driving the ball with gusto while shying away from the slower, finesse-driven "soft game" like dinking or dropping shots delicately over the net.

If you’re someone who enjoys the strategic, patient side of pickleball, facing a banger can feel like staring down a freight train. But don’t worry—there’s a way to turn their strength into your advantage. Below, we have laid out eleven practical, engaging tips to help you outsmart and outplay these Bangers guiding you step-by-step to take control of the court. Let’s dive in

11 Winning Strategies to Outsmart BANGERS in Pickleball

1. Stay Cool Under Pressure

Let’s start with something that sounds simple but can be a game-changer: keeping your cool. Bangers are like playground bullies—they want to overwhelm you with their aggressive drives, charging from the baseline to the kitchen line with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. If you panic, flail, or lunge wildly, you’re playing right into their hands. Instead, take a deep breath, stay composed, and let their energy work against them.

When you stay calm, your heart rate settles, your movements stay controlled, and you’re better equipped to respond thoughtfully rather than react frantically. Picture yourself as a serene martial artist, deflecting their forceful blows with grace. The calmer you are, the more likely you’ll spot their patterns and turn their power into your points.

2. Move Your Feet, Not Just Your Paddle

Next up: don’t get caught standing still! Bangers love to blast the ball at you, and if your feet are glued to the court, you’ll end up reaching awkwardly or missing entirely. Keeping your feet moving—think light, bouncy steps—puts you in prime position to meet their shots head-on.

Imagine you’re grooving to a lively tune: as soon as you see the banger wind up, shuffle into place. This proactive movement boosts your chances of making solid contact with the ball and sending it back with precision. Flat-footed players lose balance and control; active feet keep you in the driver’s seat.

3. Always Be Prepared for the Blast

Bangers live for the drive—it’s their bread and butter. So, assume every shot they hit is coming at you like a rocket until proven otherwise. This mindset keeps you ready, especially on critical moments like the third and fifth shots when they’re serving (those are their favorite times to unleash chaos).

Get into an athletic stance at the kitchen line—knees bent, paddle up, eyes locked on the ball. It’s like a batter waiting for a fastball: you’re primed for speed but can adjust if they surprise you with a rare dink or drop. Being ready gives you the upper hand, turning their predictable aggression into your opportunity.

4. Push Them Back with a Deep Return

When it’s your turn to return their serve, aim deep. A well-placed, deep return forces the banger to stay near the baseline, where they have to work harder to launch a killer drive. The farther back they are, the more time you have to react, and the tougher it is for them to land a shot that’s both powerful *and* in bounds.

Here’s a bonus twist: add some backspin or slice to keep the ball low. A low-flying return forces them to hit upward, which often sends their drive sailing out of bounds—free points for you! And if you’ve scoped out their weaker side (more on that later), aim there to make their return even trickier.

5. Target the Banger’s Backhand

Speaking of weak spots, most bangers have a favorite weapon: their forehand. It’s typically their go-to for crushing the ball with confidence and power. But flip the script—aim for their backhand instead. Many players, even hard-hitters, lack the same comfort or consistency on their backhand side.

Whether you’re returning serve or countering a rally shot, directing the ball to their backhand can throw them off balance. Their response might lack the zip of a forehand blast, giving you a chance to take control. Watch their body language early in the match to confirm which side’s softer, then exploit it relentlessly.

6. Block Like a Wall

Think of yourself as a human wall—unshakable and steady. Blocking a banger’s drive isn’t about swinging back hard; it’s about absorbing their power and redirecting it. Use a short, controlled motion with minimal backswing, keep your grip loose (a death grip turns your paddle into a trampoline), and let your hands stay quiet.

The goal? Deaden their shot so it drops softly back over the net, ideally at their feet—bonus points if you hit their backhand-side foot. Tilt your paddle slightly downward to guide the ball low, avoiding high pop-ups that invite a banger’s favorite “shake and bake” attack. With practice, you’ll turn their thunder into a whimper.

7. Identify Out Balls 

Here’s a secret weapon: patience. Bangers often overhit, especially as they creep closer to the net during a rally. If a shot looks like it’s heading out, resist the urge to smack it back—let it go and watch it sail past the baseline. Every out ball they hit is a point in your pocket.

Spotting out balls takes practice, but here’s how to sharpen your instincts:

- Position Check: If they’re driving from near the net, their margin for error shrinks—out balls become more likely.

- Backswing Size: A big wind-up signals a powerful shot that might overshoot.

- Ball Height: Low shots they hit upward often fly long; high shots they smash down might dip in.

- Spin Factor: Topspin keeps balls in play; flat hits are riskier.

- Wind Influence: With the wind behind them, shots travel farther—against it, they’re tamed.

- Your Perspective: If the ball’s chest-high or above as it nears you, it’s probably going out—let it fly!

Trust your gut, and soon you’ll be racking up points without lifting a finger.

8. Play the Seesaw Game

This one’s all about reading their position—and countering it like a pro. Picture a seesaw: when they’re low, you go high; when they’re high, you drop low. If the banger’s smacking a ball from below the net, they’re hitting up—get your paddle up to volley it down. If they’re poised to attack from above, lower your paddle to defend a downward smash.

This dance of opposites disrupts their rhythm and keeps you one step ahead. It’s like a chess match with paddles—anticipate their move, then make yours to checkmate their power.

9. Sidestep the Banger Altogether

Not every opponent is a banger. Sometimes they’re paired with a “dinker”—a soft-game lover who’d rather finesse than force. If so, target the dinker, especially on those pesky third and fifth shots when the banger’s serving. The dinker’s more likely to drop a gentle shot than hammer a drive, giving you and your partner a breather.

If both opponents are bangers, pick the less ferocious one—their drives might lack the same sting. Either way, this strategy shifts the game’s tempo in your favor, letting you dictate play instead of dodging bullets.

10. Trap Them at the Baseline

Whenever possible, keep the banger pinned back near the baseline. Letting them creep into the transition zone or kitchen is like inviting a lion into your tent—they’ll pounce with even deadlier shots. Deep, consistent shots force them to stay defensive, limiting their angles and power.

That said, if the banger’s slow on their feet or shaky with soft shots, sneak in a drop or block to the kitchen. A well-placed short ball can catch them flat-footed, turning their aggression into a liability. It’s all about controlling their position—and the game.

11. Lure Them into the Soft Zone

Finally, flip the script entirely: drag the banger into your world—the soft game. Most bangers thrive on power but flounder when forced to dink or trade delicate drop shots. If you’re a dinking wizard, use it to make them squirm. Keep the ball low and slow, tempting them to overhit or miss entirely.

This strategy exploits their weakness while showcasing your strength. It’s not just about surviving their onslaught—it’s about winning on your terms. Patience and precision can unravel even the fiercest banger, leaving them frustrated and you victorious.

Putting It All Together

Beating a banger isn’t about matching their firepower—it’s about outthinking them. Picture this: you’re calm and collected, feet nimble, paddle ready. You fire a deep, low return to their backhand, then block their next drive right at their feet. They overhit, you let it fly, and soon they’re stuck at the baseline, flailing at your sneaky dinks. That’s the recipe for success.

Pickleball’s beauty lies in its blend of power and finesse, and bangers bring the thunder. But with these eleven strategies, you’ve got the tools to turn their storm into your sunshine. Practice these tips, tweak them to fit your style, and watch your wins pile up. Next time a banger steps onto your court, you’ll be ready—not just to survive, but to dominate. Game on!

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