Should You Wear a Snowboarding Helmet? Check Reasons
Do You Need A Helmet To Snowboard
Wearing a snowboarding helmet is optional, with just a few exceptions. It is entirely up to you whether or not to wear a helmet when snowboarding. But it's self-evident, right? It is safer to wear a helmet than not to wear one. Assume you fall and hit your head on the ice slope, or worse, a rail in the snowboard park or a rock near the edge of the slope. It appears obvious that wearing a helmet in one of these circumstances would be useful. So why don't all snowboarders wear them?
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Should You Wear a Snowboarding Helmet? Check Reasons |
Reasons Not To Wear A Helmet
There are several reasons why snowboarders do not wear helmets. Some of them may seem more valid than others to you, while others may not:
- Comfort
- Style
- Cost
- Belief that a wearing helmet is unnecessary: "I'll be OK"
- Belief that wearing a helmet is unnecessary: "they don't make a difference"
- Comfort: Helmets may not always fit well. Wearing a beanie may be more comfortable or warm for you. If you choose a cap to a helmet, no additional argument is required.
- Style: Some may be happy to admit it, while others may not, but the truth is that many people opt not to wear a helmet because they dislike the way it looks. Man, your beanies look better!
- Cost: Helmets are unquestionably more expensive than their woolly counterparts. While you may question a snowboarder's priorities, expecting everyone to be able to purchase a helmet is unrealistic. Cost is an issue.
- "I'll be fine": On balance, you might agree that wearing a helmet is a safer alternative than wearing a hat. But, at the same time, you believe that you won't need one. This assurance may be based on experience; you've been shredding for 7 years and have never suffered a head injury. This would be a wishful think
- "They don't make a difference": Some argue that helmets aren't necessary after you reach a certain speed...
This is not a written condemnation of anyone who do not wear helmets. It truly is a matter of personal or individual preference. When I ride off-piste or in the park, I always wear a helmet. If I'm mostly charging around the slope, I might wear a beanie: I like the change, I like the style, and I think some situations are more dangerous to my head than others.
Benefits of wearing a helmet
Putting safety considerations aside, there are other, good side effects to wearing a helmet. Consider:
1. Protection for your goggles
Wearing a helmet protects your goggles as well. For starters, a fall on your face is less likely to damage your goggles and, as a result, your eyes/nose. Furthermore, when a snowboarder falls, their goggles frequently slip off. Again, there is the risk of damaging or losing them. A helmet keeps your goggles safely tucked under the rim.
2. Ensure good visibility.
I cannot emphasize this more. Bad things can happen if the inside of your goggles come into contact with the snow. Depending on the circumstances, such moisture can condense into steam, which is hazardous to visibility. Worse, in really cold temperatures, moisture on the inside lens can freeze. You can't see through it, and it's difficult to get them to thaw. It occurs.
Snow can collect on the top of goggles or cling to the woolly cloth around your brow when you wear a cap. This can cause partial or complete blockage of your goggle vents. That's not ideal for keeping air flowing through your eyewear.
The combination of helmet and goggles works well to keep your goggles clean, unobstructed, and your visibility clear.
3. Music
If you enjoy snowboarding while listening to music, a helmet with built-in audio can be an excellent alternative. The ability to instantly lower the volume is one of the advantages of a built-in audio feature. Often, the control is simple enough to use while wearing gloves, which is useful for chatting with your pals when you come to a halt.
At the end of the day, snowboarding is a risky sport. People fall and slam; sometimes you get right back up, other times it hurts. It's difficult to argue with that. Given that the head is one of the body areas that comes under fire from a snowboarder's bails, a helmet makes logical from a safety/protection standpoint. It's also difficult to argue with that. Helmets make sense in various instances.
Are helmets a catch-all?
No, the research suggests that serious injuries and death are mostly unaffected by the use of a helmet. Nonetheless, there are definitely situations in which a helmet helps. Assuming I fall on a rail or box, I want my lid on,and If I hit a rock, I want my lid on.
It's entirely up to you. So please spread the word. What are your thoughts? Do you wear a cap or a tea cozy on your head? Should helmets be required, or is it infringing on an individual's right to choose? What about the safety statistics?As always, leave a comment to share your thoughts.